LAST UPDATED: Mar 3, 2024
Terms of Service
Mobazha is a network for trading goods and services directly between people - using crypto currencies - without any central organization controlling the platform. This means you are responsible for your own activity on the network.
Mobazha users are not anonymous by default. Most communications between parties are encrypted, but IP addresses are public and can be associated with activity on the network. Malicious parties could use this information against you; protecting your privacy is your own responsibility.
Mobazha users must adhere to the laws in their own legal jurisdiction as well as their conscience. The Mobazha developers do not condone - and are not responsible for - any use of the platform for illegal activity.
The Mobazha community of developers has worked hard to deliver a free platform for trade to the world. But as with any software, bugs will be found. The developers are not responsible for any monetary loss associated with problems in the software.
By using Mobazha you’re responsible for your own actions on the Mobazha network.